Physical Therapy Helps Regain Bladder Control

Many people have problems controlling their bladder. If you’re waking up several times at night to urinate, you may have an overactive bladder. Physical Therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and effective method to help regain bladder control without side effects.

What is Overactive Bladder

The most common symptoms of an overactive bladder include an urgency to urinate, frequency of urination, and urinary leakage.

There are many possible causes for overactive bladder, including:

  • Prior bladder surgeries
  • A weak pelvic floor
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Smoking
  • Certain medications
  • Bladder irritants, such as alcohol or caffeine
  • Menopause
  • Various medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney stones or neurologic issues

While menopause is often linked to overactive bladder, BMI and age are two of the most common risk factors that affect both men and women. Aging may bring increased susceptibility to other conditions that can cause overactive bladder like diabetes, cognitive decline, and medication use.

How to Treat Overactive Bladder

Improving your diet, exercising and stress management can help minimize overactive bladder symptoms. The following techniques can make a tremendous difference in regaining bladder control.

  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. Pelvic floor physical therapy helps you to properly engage the pelvic floor muscles that control bowel and bladder function. Pelvic Floor physical therapists are the most underutilized resource in treating overactive bladder. These specialists will evaluate your pelvic floor function, help you identify and utilize the proper muscles with biofeedback, and then guide you through a set of pelvic floor exercises based on your individual needs. Exercises may include Kegels, abdominal and glute strengthening, and posture improvement. Did you know that 1st Choice Physical Therapy has Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist Jodi?
  • Re-train Your Bladder. If you emptied your bladder recently and feel another urge to go, try to pause – take a few slow, deep breaths to relax – and see if the sensation goes away. Similarly, don’t go to the bathroom because you’re leaving to go somewhere and want to empty “in case.” If you repeatedly empty your bladder before it signals it’s full, you may accidentally be training your bladder to send urge signals sooner, making frequency and urgency worse.

So call 1st Choice Physical Therapist Jodi if you need help with your bladder control.

December Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

Holidays are a joyous time to spend with family and friends, usually centered around yummy, festive food. Weight gain over the holidays is a common problem, but you can still enjoy the holidays while making smart and healthy decisions. Follow these tips from 1st Choice Physical Therapy to appreciate the holiday parties while maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Ramp up movement! To burn the extra calories you will consume, increase time spent performing sustained, regular aerobic activity. If you normally walk 30 minutes a day, increase the time to 40 or 45 minutes. If you usually work out 3 times a week, increase workouts to 4 to 5 times a week during the holidays. Always check with a physician or 1st Choice Physical Therapist before starting a new exercise program.
  • Cheat just a little! It’s OK to enjoy a small serving size of a sweet treat or a festive beverage every few days. Compensate for the extra calories by either reducing calories during the meal before or after (or even skipping the next meal by practicing intermittent fasting) or burn extra calories with increased exercise.

  • Control the temptations! Focus on reducing temptations when you can by keeping holiday goodies out of eyesight and less accessible. If you bake, keep only a small amount for your family and give the rest away as a gift or donation. These strategies will lower the risk of the temptations so you can better control your holiday calorie intake.
  • Focus on fruits and especially veggies! Fill up on wholesome fruits and healthy vegetables first. These foods contain fewer calories per gram compared to other types of food, and the extra fiber will give you the sensation of a full stomach faster than chips, crackers and cookies. Seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day should be your goal.
  • Never attend a party hungry! Eat a serving of fruit, vegetables, or unsalted nuts before attending a party. Do not begin eating until you’re actually hungry. Enjoy social time first for calorie free enjoyment. When ready to eat, make mindful choices and focus on the healthy options first.
  • Take charge of party options! When invited to an outing, offer to bring healthy options such as a veggie plate, whole wheat pita chips with hummus, guacamole, or a fruit salad. Fill up on your healthy food first before browsing the other options. Use a smaller plate to avoid overeating. Limit holiday beverages as they can contain large amounts of sugar and empty calories. Drink coffee, tea, flavored seltzer, or spirits on the rocks instead and plenty of water. Learn to say no politely to well meaning people who continue to offer food to you.

We at 1st Choice Physical Therapy wish you a wonderful and healthy holiday season. Our therapists are ready and willing to help you achieve your wellness goals. Contact us to schedule a wellness screen or evaluation so we can get you on your way to enjoy this festive season!

May is Women’s Health Month

May is Women’s Health Month kicking off on May 8th, and we encourage women to prioritize your health. Women have unique health issues from pelvic pain to post-partum and intimacy issues and physical therapy may be an effective option to help you maximize function, minimize pain, and improve overall quality of life.

What is Women’s Health Physical Therapy?

Women’s Health physical therapy at 1st Choice deals with issues like pelvic pain, low back/hip pain or sciatica, urination and bowel movement problems, and intimacy pain or discomfort, to name a few. We offer pregnancy and post-partum care as well as pre and post-surgical care for hysterectomy, cesarean, prolapse, or radiation. We understand the intimacy of these issues, and our specialty trained physical therapists offer Pelvic Floor Therapy in a compassionate way and supportive environment.

Pelvic Floor Therapy includes exercises to stretch or strengthen muscles in the hips, core and pelvis; relaxation and breathing techniques; hands-on soft tissue work; and biofeedback for muscle retraining. It may include education in proper posture and body mechanics.

How can 1st Choice Physical Therapy Help?

A 1st Choice Physical Therapist trained in Pelvic Floor Therapy will design a unique physical therapy program targeting your specific issues…designed by women for women. If you or a loved one is suffering from Women’s Health issues, call 1st Choice Physical Therapy & Balance Centers to schedule an appointment so you can once again enjoy your life!