General Information


February is Self-Check Month

This is your reminder to evaluate your annual health needs. As you’re scheduling appointments with your primary care provider, dentist, eye doctor or other provider, how about scheduling a visit with your physical therapist?

Whether you’re an athlete, sit at a desk for too long, or do physical labor, you may experience stiffness or musculoskeletal pain in your arms, legs, back, neck, and other joints. A physical therapist can help ensure your body is functioning at its maximum potential by managing your pain, increasing mobility, and improving range of motion. Physical therapy is much more than just treatment for injury and can play an important role in your overall personal wellness and self-care.

Physical therapists are trained to help athletes and weekend warriors reduce your risk of injury and remain safe and active. This ranges from developing exercise programs to strengthen muscles to giving instruction on proper warm-ups and post-workout stretches.

Keep your quality of life at its best by scheduling physical therapy checkups. Our physical therapists are licensed and trained to identify, evaluate, treat and manage your concerns, so you achieve the pinnacle of healthy living, expand your boundaries and feel better. To schedule an appointment, visit or call any of our offices below.

Goals for a Healthier You in 2021

Covid-19 Rehabilitation for Physical And Mental Health

Dizziness and Physical Therapy