Fun Holiday Stress Reducers!

Stress release can come in many forms but
thanks to here are some fun and funny ways to deal with stress!
Holidays are great, but holidays are also great stress producers. That’s why we offer a few funny holiday stress reduction tips.

1. Stress Management Games – Offline

A stress management game can boost spirits and reduce holiday stress rapidly. Admittedly, some counselors do not support competition in your efforts to relieve stress. There can be stress of competition in a game, but that is eustress, or good stress. Eustress overcomes bad stress – distress. So competition itself can be beneficial if used in a light manner.

Funny holiday story. This stress management game will help all of you as long as you keep it going and refuse to put down any player. The first begins the story with a single sentence. Example: “Once upon a time, there was a funny holiday called _______.” The next person adds the name of the funny holiday and adds another sentence. Keep taking turns until the story reaches some conclusion – or everyone is ready to stop.

Funny picture puzzle. Involve two or more people in assembling an amusing picture puzzle. Technically not a stress management game, a puzzle can turn your thoughts away from holiday stress. For a group, set up two puzzle tables, with a group at each one. The stress management game feature here is that the first group to find 25 pieces will be served refreshments by the other group. Eustress will kick in, and happiness will take over.

2. Stress Management Games – Online

Online games can be a great way to reduce stress. Steer clear of addictive games, though, which are not stress management games. Draining time from your schedule, addictive games actually create more stress. The following are a few stress management games we like:

Gardenmaker. Create your own flower, funny or beautiful. Create a whole garden of holiday flowers. This stress management game can be played while you “take five” and will leave you more relaxed. At
Kaleidoscope. Build your own funny holiday kaleidoscope, piece by piece, and watch it become more stunning as you go. Moving kaleidoscope shows each addition as you work. Let the children try this stress management game and you all will reduce stress! At

Webhangman. Click on the letters and guess the words. All of the answers are related to stress and stress management. When you answer correctly, this stress management game rewards you with colorful fireworks.
Ideally, a stress management game will be light-hearted, with little competition. Such stress management games will call forth eustress, which produces happiness. Eustress will reduce your holiday dis-stress.